Connectedness of the Masses

Staying conscious of the interconnection between all things can help you think of your choices and your life in terms of the broader effect you may be creating. We are powerful enough that what we do and say can reverberate through the lives of people we may never meet. Understanding that you are intimately connected with all things and understanding your power to affect our world can be the first step on the road to living more consciously.

I focus quite a bit on social networking, social media, social computing, and everything in & around it. Something I keep thinking about is how we just aren’t alone anymore (even when we think we are)…and that there are millions (err…i mean billions) of us; and we are all somehow connected.

OK, so we knew that already. But when I say connected I really do mean connected. Connected beyond the series of cables & signals that deliver that connection. I’m speaking more of the conscious human connection. imagine the potential; and imagine the impact. In our hyperlinked world, we can know anything, anytime. And this mass enlightenment, says Buddhist scholar Bob Thurman, is our first step toward becoming Buddha. When we can know everything, we can see how everything is interconnected — and we can begin to feel compassion for every living being.

the HIPPO juggernaut

did you know that the HIPPO juggernaut is destroying the earth? as in right now, as you read this…

Habitat destruction (climate change)
Invasive species (ants, pathogenic virus/bacteria)
Pollution (your SUV)
Population expansion (humans with any more than 3 kids)
Over-harvesting (excessive fishing & hunting/NRA members)

It’s so serious, that we could see half planet earth‘s still surviving animal & plant species be reduced to extinction or critical endangerment by the end of this century.

In fact, human forced climate changed alone, if unabated, could eliminate 1/4 of all surviving species during the next 5 decades (i could be alive…your younger siblings & children definitely will be).

The scary thing is that our knowledge of biodiversity is so incomplete, that we don’t even fully understand the magnitude. Did you know, of the 200,000 known living species in the United States alone (believed to be only partial coverage), only about 15% of the known species have been studied well enough to evaluate their status. Of that 15%, 20% are classified as in peril (in danger of extinction). In other words, out of the 30,000 we do really know about, 6,000 are in danger of extinction right now…today.

Watch this and check out the project:



Cool video with lots of information to put in your pocket. Watch it and then take personal action, no matter how small a way: